Domtar Paper Trails – Get the Feeling Right

Surfing the spectrum of paper finishes

Art Direction, Campaign, Copywriting, Design, Editorial, Naming


Domtar Paper sought to create an educational book focusing on the different finishes of their Cougar paper line—smooth, super smooth, and vellum. The objective was to provide clear and engaging information about these finishes while maintaining a visually appealing format that would resonate with a wide audience.


Design Ranch embraced a surfing theme for the book titled “Get the Feeling Right.” This edition combines paper education with the laid-back vibe of surf culture. Featuring beautiful ocean photography from around the world, the book uses vibrant neon Pantones and innovative effects to highlight the different paper finishes. An emboss of seagulls, blind gloss UV of palm trees, and a rough textural UV to mimic the texture of sand all contribute to a tactile and visual experience. The zine-style overprint further enhances the surf culture aesthetic. This creative approach ensures that the technical details of paper finishes are presented in an engaging and visually captivating manner, making the information accessible and interesting to all readers.